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Artist Statement

I see my artwork as an outlet to express myself.  When using clay I enjoy being able to manipulate the clay in different ways to create something.  I think being able to do this with clay I am able to express myself.  I aim to begin a piece by thinking of an idea or theme to carry out through the project and find my inspiration for it.  I know a piece is done when I complete the vision I have had for the piece.  As I display my work I hope to convey my vision to the viewer.  I like clay because you are able to physically form your vision with your hands, I don't like clay in some aspects because when firing it there is always the chance it could break and clay doesn't always work how you want to.  I  have noticed that in a lot of my pieces I have the theme of nature present in it.  Ceramics is a way in which I feel I can express my artistic image.

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